To exchange cryptocurrency, go to the "Trade" tab and select "Swap". Choose the currency pair you want to exchange. In the "I'm sending" field, enter the amount you want to exchange. The "I'm receiving" field will automatically fill in with the amount you'll receive in your wallet, taking into account the fee.
The exchange of cryptocurrencies among themselves or into national currencies (fiat) on the SOLO EXCHANGE exchange takes place at the current market price of a market order. The rate may fluctuate based on market conditions.
When exchanging cryptocurrency online on our exchange, the conversion fee is standard and amounts to 0.00% of the amount.
There is no maximum amount for cryptocurrency exchange. The minimum amount varies for each currency. The limit will be displayed below the "I'm sending" field.
Yes, to exchange cryptocurrencies, fund wallets, and perform other actions on the exchange, you need to complete registration and KYC verification.
The process of online cryptocurrency and fiat exchange usually takes a few minutes or is instant.
To deposit money on the exchange, you need to register and pass KYC verification. After that, you can deposit funds into your wallet and withdraw them.
So far, exchange is available only for the cryptocurrencies presented on our exchange. Currently, the number exceeds 150+.